Former home of DE-CIX at Hanauer Landstrasse, Frankfurt (2000)
Arnold Nipper, DE-CIX founder (2001)
Harald A. Summa, CEO at DE-CIX (2003)
One of the first iMacs used in the DE-CIX office (2004)
Inauguration of DE-CIX 3 at TeleCity (today Equininx) in Gutleutstrasse, Frankfurt (2006)
Harald A. Summa, at the inauguration of DE-CIX 3 at TeleCity in Gutleutstrasse, Frankfurt (2006)
Power distributors at TeleCity (2006)
Racks at TeleCity (2006)
Batteries at TeleCity that serve as a power source until the diesel generators kick in and take over the load (2006)
Frank Orlowski and Yvonne Maas at the European Peering Forum (2006)
Arnold Nipper at the European Peering Forum (2006)
Harald A. Summa at the European Peering Forum (2006)
Arnold Nipper, Henk Steenman (AMS-IX), Mike Hughes (LINX) and Job Witteman (AMS-IX) at the European Peering Forum (2006)
Harald A. Summa outside the DE-CIX office in Frankfurt (2008)
Gerd Simon and Harald A. Summa (2008)
DE-CIX company trip (2008)
Daniel Melzer, Chief Network Architect at DE-CIX, migration from Force10 TeraScale 1200 to Foundry MLX-32 (2009)
Foundry MLX-32 (2009)
Handover of the ISO 27001 certificate to Arnold Nipper, with Bernd Kowalski (BSI), Dr. Christian Riede (Connect) and Stefan Gora (Secorvo Security Consulting) (2010)
Arnold Nipper and Wolfgang Tremmel at the second IPv6 Congress, Frankfurt (2010)
Daniel Melzer, Chief Network Architect at DE-CIX (2010)
The first DENOG in Frankfurt (2010)
DE-CIX team in the Frankfurt office (2012)
Harald A. Summa (left) and Ivo Ivanov (right) at Capacity Dubai (2012)
Wolfgang Tremmel, Harald A. Summa and Carolin Geib at the second DE-CIX Customer Summit (2012)
Interview with Harald A. Summa at cnX6 (2012)
Equipment of DE-CIX 7 (2013)
Andreas Sturm and Marco Brandstätter presenting the DE-CIX Apollon platform (2013)
DE-CIX colleagues building the DE-CIX Apollon platform (2013)
Frank Orlowski receiving the award as “Best Global Service: DE-CIX Apollon platform” for DE-CIX at the Capacity Awards gala (2013)
Ivo Ivanov (CEO, DE-CIX International), Hussain Barakat and Marco Brandstätter at the UAE-IX Peering Cruise (2014)
Ivo Ivanov, Andreas Sturm, Jaymie Cutaia, Harald A. Summa and Frank Orlowski at the DE-CIX New York launch party (2014)
Melanie Kempf, Ivo Ivanov, Harald A. Summa, Marco Brandstätter and Christiane Skiba at the Global Carrier Awards 2015, where DE-CIX was honoured as Best Internet Exchange (2015)
DE-CIX colleagues and their Telecom Italia Sparkle counterparts at the DE-CIX Palermo PoP set-up and go-live (2015)
Ed d’Agostino, Christine Keck, Melanie Kempf and Arnold Nipper at NANOG (2015)
The DE-CIX team in Frankfurt celebrating a new peak traffic record of more than 4 Tbps (2015)
DE-CIX Summit in Munich, introducing the access and service structure (2016)
Melanie Kempf and Marcus Brauckmann at DE-CIX Dusseldorf (2016)
A switch at DE-CIX Dusseldorf (2016)
Harald A. Summa and his team – celebrating at the DE-CIX Summit in Munich (2016)
Installation of the DE-CIX Apollon platform – The DE-CIX and datamena team after activating the platform in Dubai (2017)
The DE-CIX team at the 7th DE-CIX Summit in Frankfurt (2017)
Arnold Nipper in the DE-CIX test laboratory, Frankfurt (2017)
At the DE-CIX Holiday Party in NYC (2017)
The Nokia (formerly Alcatel-Lucent) 7950 XRS-20, Frankfurt (2018)
The end of a milestone: Sweeping out DE-CIX FRA 7 in Frankfurt (2018)
After the DE-CIX TechMeeting (2018)
DE-CIX TechMeeting 2019: Cool stuff that works (2019)
Theresa Bobis and Wouter van Renterghem on the Marseille Cruise during the Subsea EMEA Conference (2019)
Infrastructure upgrade at DE-CIX New York (2019)
A visit to Margaret Patcher for her name giver and his friends, led by Daniel Melzer (2019)
Margaret Patcher, patch robot in Frankfurt (2019)
Celebration cake at the DE-CIX Frankfurt office for the 8 Tbps peak traffic record (2019)
The DE-CIX team celebrating five years of DE-CIX New York at the DE-CIX Holiday Party (2019)
Live recording of the virtual DE-CIX Anniversary Show: 25 years of DE-CIX! (2020)
Ivo Ivanov, Arnold Nipper, Harald A. Summa and Stephan Rohloff behind the scenes at the DE-CIX Anniversary Show (2020)
Harald A. Summa and Ivo Ivanov at the virtual DE-CIX Anniversary Show (2020)
Celebrating 25 years of DE-CIX – Without you, the Internet would not be the same. Thank you! (2020)
Virtual celebration of the new peak traffic record of 10 Tbps in Frankfurt